Fluidigm Software Download Mac

Insight Made Easy

The ViiA 7 system is a 7th generation real-time PCR system with interchangeable blocks for 96- and 384-well plates or TaqMan Array Cards. Featuring advanced user-friendly software and analysis tools, the ViiA 7 system enables high-productivity qPCR at an affordable price. Take a tour of our Viia 7.

Get the precise results your research deserves with our complete offering of automated, efficient data analysis software. Whether you're evaluating single cells, real-time PCR results or genotyping data, our advanced software programs include standard analysis techniques as well as superior interpretation methods to help you make the most of your work.

Fluidigm software download mac software

Access Array

Access Array AX Controller v2.8 Updated May 16, 2018

The latest software for the Access Array™ IFC Controller AX. To install, follow the instructions in the Updating Software and Scripts section of the IFC Controller AX User Guide (PN 68000157).

What's New

  1. REST won't work on a mac or on a windows 7-machine. You can however use the qPCR package implemented in R; this will do different simulations with your.
  2. Bio-Rad Real-Time PCR Analysis Software is designed to streamline the process of real-time PCR data collection and analysis. CFX Maestro Software features an intuitive interface, statistical analysis tools, and flexible data visualization capabilities.

Watch the GemStone 2.0 webinar 'TriCOM: Exploring and Enumerating Novel, Activation, and Unknown Markers' presented by Beth Hill. Are you ready to put GemStone 2.0 into your lab? We're ready to help.

GemStone 2.0 is here and it's loaded with new features!
We've completely upgraded the user experience with friendly wizards, clean pages, and beautiful graphics. Setting up objective, automated analysis is a breeze - you'll never want to go back to gating. Cen-se' plots work hand in hand with GemStone's probability state modeling to identify and label cell types and subsets. And right now we've got special limited-time pricing, so don't delay! Find out more...

Congrats to our friends at Fluidigm for winning the Life Science Industry Awards Best New Product - Cell Biology for the Maxpar Direct Immune Profiling System! Pathsetter software is a customized version of GemStone optimized for the kit, providing a turnkey solution for high-dimensional mass-cytometry analysis.


ModFit LT 5.0 is here and you can get your copy today.
There's a clean, new interface to put your most-used tools in easy reach. The Cell-Tracking wizard has been enhanced and includes additional statistics. And we've got great pricing on primary licenses, additional seats, and updates. Find out more...

Fluidigm Software Download Mac Os

WinList 9.0 is here and it's the best WinList yet!
We've added great new enhancements like integrated t-SNE clustering and sticky regions to super-charge your analysis. And we've got great pricing on primary licenses, additional seats, and updates. Find out more...

Fluidigm Software Download Mac Software

Announcing V-Comp 1.0 for Mac and PC!
Yes, at long last you have a cross-platform, automated solution to your fluorescence compensation problems. No gates, no fuss - just the best compensation ever at a price that will make you smile. Check it out.